Quick Start

We use the NYUv2 dataset [1] as an example to show how to use LibMTL. More details and results are provided here.

Download Dataset

The NYUv2 dataset we used is pre-processed by mtan. You can download this dataset here. The directory structure is as follows:

├── train
│   ├── depth
│   ├── image
│   ├── label
│   └── normal
└── val
    ├── depth
    ├── image
    ├── label
    └── normal

The NYUv2 dataset is a MTL benchmark dataset, which includes three tasks: 13-class semantic segmentation, depth estimation, and surface normal prediction. image contains the input images and label, depth, normal contains the labels for three tasks, respectively. We train the MTL model with the data in train and evaluate on val.

Run a Model

The complete training code for the NYUv2 dataset is provided in examples/nyu. The file train_nyu.py is the main file for training on the NYUv2 dataset.

You can find the command-line arguments by running the following command.

python train_nyu.py -h

For instance, running the following command will train a MTL model with LibMTL.weighting.EW and LibMTL.architecture.HPS on NYUv2 dataset.

python train_nyu.py --weighting EW --arch HPS --dataset_path /path/to/nyuv2 --gpu_id 0 --scheduler step

If everything works fine, you will see the following outputs which includes the training configurations and the number of model parameters.

General Configuration:
	Wighting: EW
	Architecture: HPS
	Rep_Grad: False
	Multi_Input: False
	Seed: 0
	Device: cuda:0
Optimizer Configuration:
	optim: adam
	lr: 0.0001
	weight_decay: 1e-05
Scheduler Configuration:
	scheduler: step
	step_size: 100
	gamma: 0.5
Total Params: 71888721
Trainable Params: 71888721
Non-trainable Params: 0

Next, the results will be printed in following format.

LOG FORMAT | segmentation_LOSS mIoU pixAcc | depth_LOSS abs_err rel_err | normal_LOSS mean median <11.25 <22.5 <30 | TIME
Epoch: 0000 | TRAIN: 1.4417 0.2494 0.5717 | 1.4941 1.4941 0.5002 | 0.3383 43.1593 38.2601 0.0913 0.2639 0.3793 | Time: 81.6612 | TEST: 1.0898 0.3589 0.6676 | 0.7027 0.7027 0.2615 | 0.2143 32.8732 29.4323 0.1734 0.3878 0.5090 | Time: 11.9699
Epoch: 0001 | TRAIN: 0.8958 0.4194 0.7201 | 0.7011 0.7011 0.2448 | 0.1993 31.5235 27.8404 0.1826 0.4060 0.5361 | Time: 82.2399 | TEST: 0.9980 0.4189 0.6868 | 0.6274 0.6274 0.2347 | 0.1991 31.0144 26.5077 0.2065 0.4332 0.5551 | Time: 12.0278

If the training process ends, the best result on val will be printed as follows.

Best Result: Epoch 65, result {'segmentation': [0.5377492904663086, 0.7544658184051514], 'depth': [0.38453552363844823, 0.1605487049810748], 'normal': [23.573742, 17.04381, 0.35038458555943763, 0.609274380451927, 0.7207172795833373]}



Nathan Silberman, Derek Hoiem, Pushmeet Kohli, and Rob Fergus. Indoor segmentation and support inference from rgbd images. In Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Computer Vision, 746–760. 2012.