Source code for LibMTL.weighting.CAGrad

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np

from LibMTL.weighting.abstract_weighting import AbsWeighting

from scipy.optimize import minimize

[docs]class CAGrad(AbsWeighting): r"""Conflict-Averse Gradient descent (CAGrad). This method is proposed in `Conflict-Averse Gradient Descent for Multi-task learning (NeurIPS 2021) <>`_ \ and implemented by modifying from the `official PyTorch implementation <>`_. Args: calpha (float, default=0.5): A hyperparameter that controls the convergence rate. rescale ({0, 1, 2}, default=1): The type of the gradient rescaling. .. warning:: CAGrad is not supported by representation gradients, i.e., ``rep_grad`` must be ``False``. """ def __init__(self): super(CAGrad, self).__init__()
[docs] def backward(self, losses, **kwargs): calpha, rescale = kwargs['calpha'], kwargs['rescale'] if self.rep_grad: raise ValueError('No support method CAGrad with representation gradients (rep_grad=True)') # per_grads = self._compute_grad(losses, mode='backward', rep_grad=True) # grads = per_grads.reshape(self.task_num, self.rep.size()[0], -1).sum(1) else: self._compute_grad_dim() grads = self._compute_grad(losses, mode='backward') GG = torch.matmul(grads, grads.t()).cpu() # [num_tasks, num_tasks] g0_norm = (GG.mean()+1e-8).sqrt() # norm of the average gradient x_start = np.ones(self.task_num) / self.task_num bnds = tuple((0,1) for x in x_start) cons=({'type':'eq','fun':lambda x:1-sum(x)}) A = GG.numpy() b = x_start.copy() c = (calpha*g0_norm+1e-8).item() def objfn(x): return (x.reshape(1,-1).dot(A).dot(b.reshape(-1,1))+c*np.sqrt(x.reshape(1,-1).dot(A).dot(x.reshape(-1,1))+1e-8)).sum() res = minimize(objfn, x_start, bounds=bnds, constraints=cons) w_cpu = res.x ww = torch.Tensor(w_cpu).to(self.device) gw = (grads * ww.view(-1, 1)).sum(0) gw_norm = gw.norm() lmbda = c / (gw_norm+1e-8) g = grads.mean(0) + lmbda * gw if rescale == 0: new_grads = g elif rescale == 1: new_grads = g / (1+calpha**2) elif rescale == 2: new_grads = g / (1 + calpha) else: raise ValueError('No support rescale type {}'.format(rescale)) self._reset_grad(new_grads) return w_cpu