Source code for LibMTL.weighting.MGDA

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np

from LibMTL.weighting.abstract_weighting import AbsWeighting

[docs]class MGDA(AbsWeighting): r"""Multiple Gradient Descent Algorithm (MGDA). This method is proposed in `Multi-Task Learning as Multi-Objective Optimization (NeurIPS 2018) <>`_ \ and implemented by modifying from the `official PyTorch implementation <>`_. Args: mgda_gn ({'none', 'l2', 'loss', 'loss+'}, default='none'): The type of gradient normalization. """ def __init__(self): super(MGDA, self).__init__() def _find_min_norm_element(self, grads): def _min_norm_element_from2(v1v1, v1v2, v2v2): if v1v2 >= v1v1: gamma = 0.999 cost = v1v1 return gamma, cost if v1v2 >= v2v2: gamma = 0.001 cost = v2v2 return gamma, cost gamma = -1.0 * ( (v1v2 - v2v2) / (v1v1+v2v2 - 2*v1v2) ) cost = v2v2 + gamma*(v1v2 - v2v2) return gamma, cost def _min_norm_2d(grad_mat): dmin = 1e8 for i in range(grad_mat.size()[0]): for j in range(i+1, grad_mat.size()[0]): c,d = _min_norm_element_from2(grad_mat[i,i], grad_mat[i,j], grad_mat[j,j]) if d < dmin: dmin = d sol = [(i,j),c,d] return sol def _projection2simplex(y): m = len(y) sorted_y = torch.sort(y, descending=True)[0] tmpsum = 0.0 tmax_f = (torch.sum(y) - 1.0)/m for i in range(m-1): tmpsum+= sorted_y[i] tmax = (tmpsum - 1)/ (i+1.0) if tmax > sorted_y[i+1]: tmax_f = tmax break return torch.max(y - tmax_f, torch.zeros(m).to(y.device)) def _next_point(cur_val, grad, n): proj_grad = grad - ( torch.sum(grad) / n ) tm1 = -1.0*cur_val[proj_grad<0]/proj_grad[proj_grad<0] tm2 = (1.0 - cur_val[proj_grad>0])/(proj_grad[proj_grad>0]) skippers = torch.sum(tm1<1e-7) + torch.sum(tm2<1e-7) t = torch.ones(1).to(grad.device) if (tm1>1e-7).sum() > 0: t = torch.min(tm1[tm1>1e-7]) if (tm2>1e-7).sum() > 0: t = torch.min(t, torch.min(tm2[tm2>1e-7])) next_point = proj_grad*t + cur_val next_point = _projection2simplex(next_point) return next_point MAX_ITER = 250 STOP_CRIT = 1e-5 grad_mat = init_sol = _min_norm_2d(grad_mat) n = grads.size()[0] sol_vec = torch.zeros(n).to(grads.device) sol_vec[init_sol[0][0]] = init_sol[1] sol_vec[init_sol[0][1]] = 1 - init_sol[1] if n < 3: # This is optimal for n=2, so return the solution return sol_vec iter_count = 0 while iter_count < MAX_ITER: grad_dir = -1.0 * torch.matmul(grad_mat, sol_vec) new_point = _next_point(sol_vec, grad_dir, n) v1v1 = torch.sum(sol_vec.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, n)*sol_vec.unsqueeze(0).repeat(n, 1)*grad_mat) v1v2 = torch.sum(sol_vec.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, n)*new_point.unsqueeze(0).repeat(n, 1)*grad_mat) v2v2 = torch.sum(new_point.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, n)*new_point.unsqueeze(0).repeat(n, 1)*grad_mat) nc, nd = _min_norm_element_from2(v1v1, v1v2, v2v2) new_sol_vec = nc*sol_vec + (1-nc)*new_point change = new_sol_vec - sol_vec if torch.sum(torch.abs(change)) < STOP_CRIT: return sol_vec sol_vec = new_sol_vec iter_count += 1 return sol_vec def _gradient_normalizers(self, grads, loss_data, ntype): if ntype == 'l2': gn = grads.pow(2).sum(-1).sqrt() elif ntype == 'loss': gn = loss_data elif ntype == 'loss+': gn = loss_data * grads.pow(2).sum(-1).sqrt() elif ntype == 'none': gn = torch.ones_like(loss_data).to(self.device) else: raise ValueError('No support normalization type {} for MGDA'.format(ntype)) grads = grads / gn.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, grads.size()[1]) return grads
[docs] def backward(self, losses, **kwargs): mgda_gn = kwargs['mgda_gn'] grads = self._get_grads(losses, mode='backward') if self.rep_grad: per_grads, grads = grads[0], grads[1] loss_data = torch.tensor([loss.item() for loss in losses]).to(self.device) grads = self._gradient_normalizers(grads, loss_data, ntype=mgda_gn) # l2, loss, loss+, none sol = self._find_min_norm_element(grads) if self.rep_grad: self._backward_new_grads(sol, per_grads=per_grads) else: self._backward_new_grads(sol, grads=grads) return sol.detach().cpu().numpy()