Source code for LibMTL.weighting.abstract_weighting

import torch, sys, random
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np

[docs]class AbsWeighting(nn.Module): r"""An abstract class for weighting strategies. """ def __init__(self): super(AbsWeighting, self).__init__()
[docs] def init_param(self): r"""Define and initialize some trainable parameters required by specific weighting methods. """ pass
def _compute_grad_dim(self): self.grad_index = [] for param in self.get_share_params(): self.grad_index.append( self.grad_dim = sum(self.grad_index) def _grad2vec(self): grad = torch.zeros(self.grad_dim) count = 0 for param in self.get_share_params(): if param.grad is not None: beg = 0 if count == 0 else sum(self.grad_index[:count]) end = sum(self.grad_index[:(count+1)]) grad[beg:end] = count += 1 return grad def _compute_grad(self, losses, mode, rep_grad=False): ''' mode: backward, autograd ''' if not rep_grad: grads = torch.zeros(self.task_num, self.grad_dim).to(self.device) for tn in range(self.task_num): if mode == 'backward': losses[tn].backward(retain_graph=True) if (tn+1)!=self.task_num else losses[tn].backward() grads[tn] = self._grad2vec() elif mode == 'autograd': grad = list(torch.autograd.grad(losses[tn], self.get_share_params(), retain_graph=True)) grads[tn] =[g.view(-1) for g in grad]) else: raise ValueError('No support {} mode for gradient computation') self.zero_grad_share_params() else: if not isinstance(self.rep, dict): grads = torch.zeros(self.task_num, *self.rep.size()).to(self.device) else: grads = [torch.zeros(*self.rep[task].size()) for task in self.task_name] for tn, task in enumerate(self.task_name): if mode == 'backward': losses[tn].backward(retain_graph=True) if (tn+1)!=self.task_num else losses[tn].backward() grads[tn] = self.rep_tasks[task] return grads def _reset_grad(self, new_grads): count = 0 for param in self.get_share_params(): if param.grad is not None: beg = 0 if count == 0 else sum(self.grad_index[:count]) end = sum(self.grad_index[:(count+1)]) = new_grads[beg:end].contiguous().view( count += 1 def _get_grads(self, losses, mode='backward'): r"""This function is used to return the gradients of representations or shared parameters. If ``rep_grad`` is ``True``, it returns a list with two elements. The first element is \ the gradients of the representations with the size of [task_num, batch_size, rep_size]. \ The second element is the resized gradients with size of [task_num, -1], which means \ the gradient of each task is resized as a vector. If ``rep_grad`` is ``False``, it returns the gradients of the shared parameters with size \ of [task_num, -1], which means the gradient of each task is resized as a vector. """ if self.rep_grad: per_grads = self._compute_grad(losses, mode, rep_grad=True) if not isinstance(self.rep, dict): grads = per_grads.reshape(self.task_num, self.rep.size()[0], -1).sum(1) else: try: grads = torch.stack(per_grads).sum(1).view(self.task_num, -1) except: raise ValueError('The representation dimensions of different tasks must be consistent') return [per_grads, grads] else: self._compute_grad_dim() grads = self._compute_grad(losses, mode) return grads def _backward_new_grads(self, batch_weight, per_grads=None, grads=None): r"""This function is used to reset the gradients and make a backward. Args: batch_weight (torch.Tensor): A tensor with size of [task_num]. per_grad (torch.Tensor): It is needed if ``rep_grad`` is True. The gradients of the representations. grads (torch.Tensor): It is needed if ``rep_grad`` is False. The gradients of the shared parameters. """ if self.rep_grad: if not isinstance(self.rep, dict): # transformed_grad = torch.einsum('i, i... -> ...', batch_weight, per_grads) transformed_grad = sum([batch_weight[i] * per_grads[i] for i in range(self.task_num)]) self.rep.backward(transformed_grad) else: for tn, task in enumerate(self.task_name): rg = True if (tn+1)!=self.task_num else False self.rep[task].backward(batch_weight[tn]*per_grads[tn], retain_graph=rg) else: # new_grads = torch.einsum('i, i... -> ...', batch_weight, grads) new_grads = sum([batch_weight[i] * grads[i] for i in range(self.task_num)]) self._reset_grad(new_grads) @property
[docs] def backward(self, losses, **kwargs): r""" Args: losses (list): A list of losses of each task. kwargs (dict): A dictionary of hyperparameters of weighting methods. """ pass